Friday, January 11, 2008

How to overcome Stage Fright? Pt3

Just Prior to the Performance
Move around: Do something vigorous, like running in place, to dispel some of that nervous energy and deepen your breathing. Swinging your arms or doing a mock hula will relax your diaphragm and help you get a fuller, calming breath. Or
Get still: (I realize the previous technique and this one are polar opposites, so experiment and find out which works better for you.) While either sitting or standing, do some deep breathing to center yourself. Mentally focus on either your breathing or your imaginary run-through.
The "Ha!" : Force your abdomen in to expel air, like either an airy belly laugh or a dog panting. Try four "ha"s then an easy inhale, repeat. The vigorous movement can loosen your abdomen so you breathe deeper, which relaxes you. If you are a singer, doing this with your mouth closed lessens the drying affect of the extra air passing over your vocal chords, but even so, don't over-do it just prior to singing. You don't have to be noisy: I've done this surreptitiously (I think!) while sitting in the audience at open mic performances where there was no backstage.
Pressure points: Tap solidly but not painfully hard with the pads of your fingers to hit the following points, in order: 1) just below the center of your cheek bones, 2) just below the center of your collarbone, and 3) on your sides under your armpits. Breathe deeply as you tap, tapping 10-15 times each location.
Whichever relaxation method(s) you try, make sure to set aside the time to do it. Don't go out to dinner with friends and race in breathlessly moments before going on stage. Give yourself time to get grounded. Don't worry if you're sharing backstage space with others; performers are used to weird pre-performance rituals.

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